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Codename And Date

D-Day Invasion: Operation Overlord

Codename and Date

Operation Overlord was the code name for the Allied invasion of Normandy during World War II. It commenced on June 6, 1944, and is commonly referred to as D-Day.

Allied Strategy

Operation Overlord involved a massive invasion force consisting of five seaborne landings and airborne attacks. The Allies (primarily American, British, and Canadian) aimed to establish a foothold in Normandy, liberate northwestern France, and ultimately push Nazi Germany back across Western Europe.

Military Significance

Operation Overlord was a pivotal event in the war. It marked the beginning of the Allied liberation of Europe from Nazi occupation and paved the way for the eventual defeat of Germany. The invasion required immense planning, coordination, and execution, showcasing the Allies' determination and military prowess.

Legacy and Impact

The D-Day invasion remains a symbol of courage, sacrifice, and the unwavering spirit of the Allied forces. It represents a turning point in World War II and serves as a reminder of the immense cost of freedom and the sacrifices made by those who fought for it.
